Bridal life in lockdown...
Bridal life in lockdown...
Feb 04, 2021
'Work' is still the biggest feature of my working week (although weekends off are a novelty!). There's still daily contact with our brides and so important to keep the channels of communication open; online training with our designers and our professional bodies; accounts etc. and I do spend around 4-6 hours a day at my home desk. I also spend a day a week at the boutique, marking up files, taking deliveries (dresses are still arriving!) and just generally 'pottering' about, it makes me feel better to be there. We are also in the process of launching a new website in the next few weeks so that's been a great project using time I wouldn't normally have.
So there's a whole lot of other time to fill that I wouldn't normally have. I'm getting out for my hour a day exercise, a bit of fresh air (and trying to stay away from the fridge which is too handy at home!).
But, all that done, I'm now finding there's a bit of 'free time'. So, the sewing machine is out and I'm all set to make a few little summer dresses for my six month old twin grand daughters - and the big surprise....I've started knitting!! Haven't done it for over 30 years and didn't enjoy then....but now, I love, love, love it! So far made four hats (on the fifth), a jumper for myself and in the middle of a cardigan for my Daughter! I'm making the most of it as once I get back to the boutique, I probably won't have time for at least three years!!
So......what have you taken up doing in lockdown that you wouldn't have done (need to look on the positives!) Debbie x