Phew! That was a busy July...but not as we know it!
Phew! That was a busy July...but not as we know it!
Aug 12, 2020
July was busy....busy with our brides who were coming in to put on their dresses for the first time (which had all arrived during lockdown) and busy with those brides that had been denied their chance to come out and find their wedding dress during April, May and June - and we all know how eager you were! So, our feet never really touched the ground and we coped with the new regime of hand washing, hand sanitising, visor and mask wearing and trying not to be tactile! (Very difficult for us ladies who are normally 'huggers').
Now as we are well into August we realise something is missing....we are missing the hustle and bustle and excitement of seeing our brides come in for their final fittings and leaving us with their wedding dresses, eagerly anticipating the days ahead for the build up to their weddings and the actual day itself. Sadly, in the midst of covid-19, this is not to be! The month when most of our weddings would have taken place has seen us at a bit of a loose end, it's just so unusual. The boutique has never been so clean and organised (we've had plenty of time to do it!); we've spent some time planning and doing some photo shoots to show off our fabulous dresses and also time to plan for our next collections as we need to do that six months in advance to make sure we keep bang up to date with the new trends. We've spent some time on staff training (we can always improve what we do!) and we are trying to picture the time when covid-19 is no longer with us and things can go back to 'normal' - we are being positive that although some of the measures we've put in place may remain (nothing wrong with an extra bit of cleanliness!), that we will go back to a normal wedding season!
So for all of you who have had your wedding plans affected in any way, stay strong and look forward, we will get through and you will have it all to look forward to....the best is yet to come x